Tivar Moondragon Robin of Gilwell
Sigmund the Wingfooted Iolo FitzOwen
Alaric Greythorne of Glen Mor Simonn of Amber Isle
Eule von Haginbald Maelgwyn Dda
Alden Pharamond Aubri de Baudricourt
Robert Michael McPharlan Gwenneth Bowynne of Glamorgan
Charles d'Alsace le Cervoisier Etienne de Montagu
Miguel Sebastian de Oporto Thorland O'Shea
Christian Jerome Dore Modius von Mergentheim
Brendan MacEwan Llewelyn Gruffydd
Timothy le Corbusier Alexander Peregrine
Duncan Hepburn Iago Cabrera de Cadiz
Pieter Rausch Tristan von Heidelberg
Avery Shaw Ingve of York
Conor Drummond Alessandro Andretti
Armand de Lacy Conal Alexandria O'Riordain
Dyryke Stanley Therese Maria Giovanni
Corvin Fenarro Caelan MacRobb
Amelot Lisette de Blammont Conor MacGillivray
Stephen Crowley Ceallach Mac Donal
Jean Fernald de Sevigny Lorenzo Baglioni d'Aosta

Gwenllian Gwalch-Gaeaf Giovanni Lorenzo da Montefiori
Diarmuid mac Ruis Christoforo Antonio di Passavanti
Henri Molineux Benedict Ashton

Luigino di Donate David Gallowglass
Christian Richard Dupre Hans Durrmast von der Wanderlust
Robert Simon Fraser Dominic Sentri
Jeremy James Scurlock Eldric de Charbonneau
Donald Armstrong Falke von Rheinfels
Asa lee Durant Dinaris the Wanderer
Blayne atte Wood the Juggler Devonaye Joyanne de Besancon
Gerrod Allana MacRuari Ignatius Philip Santiago
Ericus the Silverhand Shamino Salle Dacil
Gilbert Gastonnay Galen Niccoli
Julianna de Saint Cheron Gaspard du Lac
Sebastian Eton Frobishire Giacomo Datini da Venezia
Eadric of Wolfstar Juan Wang
Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov Antonia Bianca Santiago da Lagos
Esteban Diego Ramon Leah la Malchanceuse
Lavranti Brionovich Korsakov James Francis Navarre
Laertes Blackavar McBride Malcolm of Loch Greymist
Ansgar von Aachen Wolfgang van der Hafen
Erasmus von Eisenwald uber Tauberbischofsheim Donovan Fitzpatrick
Kayleigh Drake Aeron Harper
Brian Aaron Cameron Valentyn Drake
Stephen Hawkins Isobel Grace Hadleigh
Pachomius Oneshoe Edward Mercer
Aaron Stuart Elric Dracwine
Brian macCael

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